Monday, April 5, 2010

The Next Series

The Little Eagle Series is being published for the year 2010. The first book is due out about the middle of May. The books in this series are.
Indian Summer
Christmas With Little Eagle
Little Eagle Saves A Spy
The Golden Cross
White Panther's Legacy

This exciting set of books are geared for the young at heart regardless of age. I have tried to make these books easy for the beginning reader, but filled with challenging adventure for any reader who loves the excitement of following unknown paths with unusual twists and turns. The reviews are already growing for this set even before the first book comes out. How is that? A few pre-publication books have been offered to early readers to judge the direction and progress of the author.

1 comment:

  1. There are 25 book planned in this five sets of five books each with fifteen written at this time. It is fun writing for a special group of fans. Thanks.
